Calabi Yau
The London

Mirror Symmetry

Study Group

A study group for PhD students on all aspects of mirror symmetry. From May to June 2024, we will be meeting every Friday 3 - 5pm in Huxley 139, Imperial College London, with the exception of 14th June, when we are in Huxley 642 instead.

For more information, or if you would like to join, please send an email to: aporva dot varshney dot 22 at ucl dot ac dot uk

May 3rd
Background and planning
This session was used to discuss general background on mirror symmetry, and to plan ahead. To prompt discussion, Yau's lecture slides were used, although we only covered the first 6 slides.
May 10th
Deformations of Hermitian Yang-Mills
Dan Simms
May 17th
SYZ for the projective plane
We attempted to follow Yu-Shen Lin's lecture (see below) and discussed SYZ for the projective plane, and relations with curve counting.
May 24th
Auroux's SYZ
Bogdan Simeonov
Computed an example (see James Pascaleff's PhD thesis).
May 31st
Auroux's SYZ continued
Bogdan Simeonov
June 7th
Bridgeland stability conditions
Yifan Zhao
June 14th
Robert Crumplin
June 21st
No Seminar
June 28th
Abhishek Khannur

On days without speakers, we may watch a lecture together instead. Some suggestions are given below.